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Inspiring kids on sustainable eating

– The fun one-hour workshop that gives kids the superpowers they need to make better everyday food choices to contribute toward a healthier planet.

  • 7-11 year olds
  • 200,000+ kids to date
  • 30+ countries

Get involved and make a difference

Whether you are a parent, teacher or professional chef, you can use the open-source Food Heroes toolkit to raise awareness of the relationship between food and the planet among kids all around the world.

The Food Heroes Toolkit was produced by the Electrolux Food Foundation together with partners Worldchefs and AIESEC.


Kids have become Food Heroes around the world

We aim to teach thousands of kids each year to eat more sustainably.

Get a taste of the workshop toolkit.

Take our quiz to learn more about how the food you eat affects your health and our planet.

Food Heroes

Get the tools you need to run your own Food Heroes workshop.

Here you can download the latest version of the Food Heroes PowerPoint slide deck and the toolkit.

The toolkit provides the Food Heroes workshop overview and the printable material you will need for the lesson.
The PowerPoint includes the slide deck and speaker notes to help you present the workshop.

Get a sneak peek of the workshop in action

Learn what the kids think