Carrot top salsa

  • 100g carrot tops (without the stem)
  • 50g chives
  • 50g olive oil
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt
  • Black peppar


  1. Separate the carrot top leaves from their stems and save the stems for pickling.
  2. Chop the carrot tops very finely, add a pinch of salt and mix well. Adding the salt directly to the chopped carrot tops before mixing with other ingredients will help them soften up and release more flavor.  
  3. Chop the chives finely, add a little olive oil, few drops of lemon juice, freshly cracked black pepper and mix with chopped carrot tops.

It’s best to use the salsa as soon as possible and it shouldn’t be prepared more than a day before use.  


Created by Vojtech Vegh, Worldchefs